Glass Negatives

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BIEBERSTEIN CHILDREN. A girl stands in the yard at 1321 South Fourteenth Street, the home of Lillian Bieberstein (1879-1951) and her husband, Paul. The Biebersteins lived just around the corner from John Johnson's home at 1310 A Street, and Paul (1879-1959) operated a saloon less than a block from the Lincoln post office where Johnson worked. When Nebraska prohibited alcohol sales in 1917, two years ahead of the national Prohibition, Bieberstein switched to selling soft drinks, according to the city directory. <br />
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Photographs taken on black and white glass negatives by African American photographer(s) John Johnson and Earl McWilliams from 1910 to 1925 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Douglas Keister has 280 5x7 glass negatives taken by these photographers. Larger scans available on request.