Perhaps the best-known work resulting from the collaboration between architect George D. Riddle and Monarch Construction was El Cordova, now known as Rose Towers, completed in 1928 during Long Beach’s apartment building boom. The basic symmetry of the building’s U-shaped floor plan is ingeniously masked by a variety of elements, including exterior stairways, numerous balconies of wood or wrought iron, projecting bays, and variously-shaped openings including round, pointed, and parabolic arches. Riddle also provided an especially generous courtyard negotiated by a meandering path of randomly-scored concrete. At the rear of the site, the building steps up to accommodate a garage facing the street behind; its roof forms a patio area that gives access to several rear apartments. This eminently practical arrangement is seen in many courts of the era, including many of those designed by the Zwebells. Removing the garage entrances to a separate service street allowed architects and builders to eliminate the long driveways often seen in single-family homes of the Twenties, leaving the main entrance solely for pedestrians.