
SNOW SHOVELERS AT THE POST OFFICE. John Johnson was listed in city directories as a laborer or janitor at the post office on and off from 1904 to 1917. When he resigned in 1917, his pay was $600 per year. He often photographed his workmates, here taking a break from shoveling a deep snowfall. They stand outside the south entrance, which was in-filled with a window in the remodeling and extension of 1914-1916.
Photographs taken on black and white glass negatives by African American photographer(s) John Johnson and Earl McWilliams from 1910 to 1925 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Douglas Keister has 280 5x7 glass negatives taken by these photographers. Larger scans available on request.
Photographs taken on black and white glass negatives by African American photographer(s) John Johnson and Earl McWilliams from 1910 to 1925 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Douglas Keister has 280 5x7 glass negatives taken by these photographers. Larger scans available on request.
Douglas Keister