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EXCAVATION FOR THE MILLER AND PAINE DEPARTMENT STORE, 1914. Few events drew spectators and photographers like construction. John Johnson positioned himself in an alley for a view north across the basement for the Miller and Paine Department Store, under construction in 1914 at Thirteenth and O Streets. The growing company had operated for several years in existing buildings at this corner. With its new construction, the department store established Thirteenth and O Streets as Lincoln's retail center for most of the century. The Pepperberg billboard atop the building across O Street advertises a local cigar maker.<br />
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Photographs taken on black and white glass negatives by African American photographer(s) John Johnson and Earl McWilliams from 1910 to 1925 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Douglas Keister has 280 5x7 glass negatives taken by these photographers. Larger scans available on request.